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Jubaland warns of violence in Gedo, accuses Villa Somalia backed administration of blocking the airport in Gerbaharey

Wednesday March 9, 2022

KISMAYO (HOL) - Jubaland Security Minister Mohamed Abdi Kalil has warned the situation in Gedo region could escalate into full-scale violence accusing the regional administration there of sealing off the local airport.

Kalil said security forces had been deployed at Gerbaharey airport and flights into and out of the facility were blocked.

"The airport was occupied by trucks. Even civilian planes were not allowed to land at the airport,” Kalil said.

He accused the federal government of frustrating the conduct of elections there.

Gedo region deputy governor Adan Mohamud said Monday a task force appointed by Prime Minister Mohamed Roble would not be allowed to land in Gerbaharey. The Gedo regional administration has close ties with Villa Somalia.

Jubaland leader Ahmed Madobe and President Mohamed Farmaajo have engaged in long running battles over the elections of the 16 seats slated for Gerbaharey. Madobe maintains the exercise should be moved to the capital Kismayo while Farmaajo insists it should take place in Gerbaharey.


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