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Galmudug, Somaliland announce Lower House elections

Friday January 21, 2022


Mogadishu (HOL) - The state electoral committees for Galmudug and Somaliland have announced elections for Somalia’s incoming federal parliament. 

Galmudug’s State Electoral Implementation Team schedules elections for seven parliamentary seats. 

The seats announced by the Galmudug electoral commission are HOP07, HOP61, HOP64, HOP248, HOP89, HOP96 and HOP71 

A statement from Galmudug’s electoral commission stated that the registration of candidates for the announced seats would begin tomorrow, and their election will take place in the middle of next week.


The Northern Region of Somaliland’s State Election Implementation Team also announced on Friday that they had scheduled elections for 12 seats for the incoming federal parliament.

Several prominent Somali politicians, including Minister of Finance Abdirahman Duale Beyle, are expected to compete.

The seats announced are HOP 260, HOP 257, HOP, 215, HOP 267, HOP 268, HOP 269, HOP 245, HOP 247, HOP 209, HOP 211, HOP 201, HOP 214. 

Somalia’s leaders struck a deal in early January to accelerate the electoral process, vowing to complete the parliamentary elections by Feb 25, leaving state and federal election committee’s less than 35 days to conclude elections and begin the process for organizing what is expected to be a hotly contested presidential election. 


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