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Need to hold Somali leaders, politicians and candidates accountable is unavoidable - youth movement

Tuesday January 11, 2022

MOGADISHU (HOL) - A youth organized Accountability movement has been launched to hold Somalia head ups, politicians and candidates accountable, It urges parliamentary and presidential candidates to prioritise the interests of the public.

The movement platform in Somalia has called on candidates in the ongoing Lower House elections and those in the presidential race to put first the interests of Somalis in their quest for public office.

Uistaag Dadka iyo Dalka founder Abdirahman Yusuf Ali said Somalis, especially innocent women, youth and children have been on the receiving end of poor leadership and have borne the brunt of economic, political and social exclusion.

Noting that those who are in elective positions have always pursued their selfish and vested interests, Ali said it was time to reconsider the quest for public office and consider it an act of service to citizens and humanity.

“We want to make the candidates and the government itself realise the immediate needs of Somali people,” Ali said. “These priorities include peace and development and therefore, we want to interlink the needs of the public and the leaders of Somalia and hold them accountable.”

Ali said the Uistaag Dadka and Dalka movement provides a platform to differentiate prudent leadership and self interest for better Somalia and set the bar for prudent leadership has created awareness among Somalis on how they can actively participate in choosing the right leaders for the country.https://www.facebook.com/Uistaag/videos/602625807474986/?extid=NS-UNK-UNK-UNK-IOS_GK0T-GK1C

“The purpose of this platform is to empower Somalis to make better contributing choices on how best we can produce the best crop of leaders,” said Ali. “We achieve this through accountability, transparency,, education and right information sharing among Somalis on leadership, governance and public participation.”

Ali added that the movement was also developing mechanisms to evaluate and hold accountable those who are elected to office to ensure they work for the interests of the public.

The remarks by Ali comes amid a long-running parliamentary election that have been marred by corruption, vote-buying and pressure from stakeholders.


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