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Military court in Puntland hands death, jail terms to Al-Shabaab members for murder of 10 people

Tuesday February 1, 2022

MOGADISHU (HOL) - A military court in Puntland has sentenced six young men to death and lengthy jail terms for being members of the outlawed Al-Shabaab terrorist group and killings of several people in the state.

The court ruled that the convicts, some aged less than 20 years old were responsible for targeted killings in Galkaayo between 2017 and 2021.

According to the verdict, the defendants were responsible for killing 10 people among them two members of parliament and three senior military officers.

The court handed Farhan Faisal Salat, Abdullahi Feisal Hussein, Barkhad Awil Hirsi Nur and Liban Adan Muse death sentences while Abdi Qani Farhan Abdullahi and Abdirahman Awil Mohamed will serve 30 and 20 years in jail respectively.

The court established that the defendants involved in the killing of the following persons:

1: Colonel Abdirashid Hashi (Gebigebi) the former commander of the Mudug regional administration.
2: Major Gani Abdirahman Nur
3: MP Mukhtar Omar Ahmed Tiinle
4: MP Abdihakin Maalim Dahir
5: Ibrahim Sheikh Hassan Iro
6: Yusuf Mohamed Hayir.
7: Lieutenant Colonel Hashi Adan Elmi (Farey)
8: Osman Hussein Ismail
9: Said Jama Mohamed (Saeed Maradona)
10: Abdi Jama Hassan (Abdi Gubbe).
The defendants have 30 days to appeal their sentencing.


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