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A tax collector shot dead a truck driver in Mogadishu

Saturday August 27, 2022

Mogadishu (HOL) - A Somali government tax collector policeman shot a truck driver dead in Mogadishu's Taleh junction on Saturday.

According to eyewitnesses, the killing occurred on the road leading to the 21 October school following a dispute between the soldier and the deceased during traffic on the road.

Some of the truck drivers who work at the port of Mogadishu told the local media that the soldier killed the driver for a bribe that he wanted to pay. At the same time, the government taxed the car, and the driver had government-issued identification documents.

"Every day, we are killed like this, and it seems like hyenas waiting for us on the road. The policeman from the Ministry of Finance who collects taxes killed the deceased innocent man while he had three tax documents, one driver said.

The drivers briefly blocked the road and asked that the government bring the soldier who fled the scene after the killing to justice.

They added that they were complaining about the government soldiers stationed at various checkpoints who compelled them to pay unlawful money.


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