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Police chief evicts parliamentary staffers from Villa Hargeisa, says committee chairman

Tuesday April 26, 2022

Mogadishu (HOL) -  The chairman of the committee to elect the House Speakers, Abdirizak Omar Mohamed, said that the police commissioner and the Villa Somalia's chief of the security evicted parliamentary staff from Villa Hargeisa on Tuesday.

"The chief of police and commander of VS (Villa Somalia) security have forced the staff of parliament to vacate Villa Hargaysa, which is the headquarters for the staff of Parliament. I confirmed with the DG and the police commander responsible for the security of parliament," Mohamed said.

The staffers use Villa Hargeisa as their temporary home and office while in Mogadishu for parliamentary leadership and presidential elections.

MP Abdirizak Omar accused police chief General Abdi Hassan Mohamed Hijar and Villa Somalia of spoiling the electoral process.

"The intention is to delay or stop the election of the speaker and deputies of the House of People and intimidate the staff to succumb to whims of VS (Villa Somalia). However, the committee responsible for the election process have completed their tasks leading to tomorrow's election.

The chairman said that lawmakers would not be "intimidated" by Villa Somalia despite the setback.

"Somalia's democratic process must move on. No more delays & dithering. The elected members of parliament represent the Somali ppl & they won't be intimidated by Villa Somalia's violent tactics. We're committed to finalizing the electoral process. Democracy will prevail."

MP Abdirizak's comments come barely a day after. The interim speaker of Parliament, Abdisalam Dhabanad, levelled similar accusations of electoral sabotage against General Abdi Hassan Mohamed Hijar. Dhabanad said that Hijar instructed government forces to obstruct the swearing-in-ceremony for the 16 Gedo MPs elected in Elwak. He added that Somali police prevented his team from accessing government buildings to swear in lawmakers.


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