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ATMIS says Halane Camp will be open for swearing-in ceremony

Monday April 11, 2022

Mogadishu (HOL) - The African Union Transition Mission in Somalia, ATMIS, had clarified the purpose of the lockdown of the Halane base camp in Mogadishu following reports that the base would be locked down from April 10-16. 

In a statement released on Sunday, ATMIS said that the purpose of the lockdown of Halane base camp in Mogadishu is aimed at ensure that the Base Camp "remains a safe, secure, and conducive place during this critical electoral period, including the swearing in ceremony, the celebrations of the 62nd Somalia Army Day and the entire Ramadan period."

The swearing-in ceremony for the lawmakers is scheduled for April 14th in Mogadishu.

"The lockdown that began today, which ends on April 16th, 2022, is in no way intended to obstruct, force the postponement, or interfere in the smooth running of the swearing-in ceremony of newly elected Members of Parliament or any other electoral activity or government function in the Base Camp," the ATMIS said in a statement.

On Thursday, Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble declared Ambassador Francisco Madeira persona non grata after accusing him of "engaging in acts that are incompatible with his status."

The Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union, Moussa Faki Mahamat, has rejected the envoy's expulsion and reaffirmed his complete trust and confidence in SRCC Ambassador Madeira. He reiterated the African Union's continued commitment to support the sisterly nation of the Federal Republic of Somalia in its pursuit to restore lasting peace, security, and stability.

At least six people were killed in an Al-Shabaab attack last month that targeted Mogadishu's heavily guarded international airport. The dead include a Somali national and five foreigners, according to police.

Since then, the African Union troops have beefed up the security at the airport and the Halane base camp, which houses AMISOM, UN, and other international agencies.



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