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Top girl in Mandera eyes Alliance Girls but poverty threatens her dream

Saturday April 2, 2022

Hamdi Abikar Hassan, who scored 405 marks in the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examination and was one of the two best candidates in Mandera County, is staring at a bleak future.

She is not sure she will join her dream school, Alliance Girls High School or any other national school when her admission letter reaches her mother.

The third-born in a family of seven children says her single mother Qulahi Mohamed has struggled to keep her and her siblings in school.

“It has not been easy to study at a private school, considering that we all depend on our mother, who relies on menial jobs in the estate,” Hamdi said.

Hamdi thanked God for her sterling performance in a county grappling with teacher shortages.

She said she expected a higher score but she had to juggle helping her mother get the family’s daily bread and studying.

“Sometimes I spend time at my mother’s stall selling vegetables but I will still be with my books because I want the best for myself and my family,” she said.

Hamdi, who wants to become a doctor in future, attributed her success to teachers and her supportive mother.

“My teachers were supportive at school and they always assisted me in all subjects. I thank them for my success.”

She challenged girls to concentrate on education and remain focused despite the challenges they face.

“Working hard, respecting parents and teachers and being prayerful pays. I urge all girls in schools to apply these and they will be successful in their studies.”

Abdiaziz Ali Issack, Hamdi’s classmate, described her as a God-fearing girl with a kind heart.

“She encouraged and helped the rest of us in class and from that I have managed to score 384 marks.

Mr Amos Barasa, Alhuda Star Academy headteacher, attributed the school’s performance to hard work.

“We have always performed well but producing the best candidate in the county makes us proud,” he said.

He said that though they have bright students, parents have difficulties paying school fees.

“Most of the parents have problems paying school fees for their children and yet the school has to run and we have to pay teachers. But despite all that we still manage to perform well, because we are determined,” he said.

Hamdi’s mother said it was hard keeping her daughter in school.

“I have nothing to sell or depend on for my children’s school fees. I appeal to well-wishers to help take my girl to the best school because I want my life to change too,” she said.

Hamdi shared the top position in Mandera with Abdulfatah Issack Hassan, from Wargadud Primary School in Mandera South, who also scored 405 marks.


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