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AU appoints former Ghanian president as special envoy to Somalia

Saturday May 8, 2021

Mogadsihu (HOL) - The African Union has announced on Friday that it will appoint John Dramani Mahama, the former President of Ghana, as its High Representative to Somalia. He is expected to land in Mogadishu in the coming days.

The special envoy is tasked with facilitating talks with Somali stakeholders after months of deadlock plunged the country into a political crisis. Mahama's official mandate is to promote an "all-encompassing resolution" for holding elections immediately.

The Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, welcomed the decision and called on Somalia's leaders to negotiate in good faith.

"The Chairperson of the Commission calls on the Somali stakeholders to negotiate in good faith, and to put the interests of Somalia and the well-being of the Somali people above all else in the search for an inclusive settlement to the electoral crisis. This should usher in a democratically elected government with the legitimacy and mandate to resolve the remaining outstanding political and constitutional issues that are posing a threat to the stability of the country and the region as a whole."

Mousa Faki also urged Somali stakeholders and the international community to extend their support to the initiative.

The Chairperson said that John Dramani Mahama would be supported by AMISOM during his mission.

"In fulfilling his mandate, the High Representative will be supported by AMISOM, to ensure that the mediation efforts and the peace support operation work together seamlessly."

A little over two weeks ago, the African Union Peace and Security Council (PSC) convened a virtual emergency session condemning an April 12 resolution passed by Somalia's House of the People to extend their mandate and that of the President for two years. The Council described the move as "unilateral" and inconducive to peace and stability in Somalia.

President Farmajo and Somalia's federal parliament abandoned that resolution after pitched battles in late April erupted in Mogadishu within the SNA between factions that opposed the term extension and those loyal to the government. The violence led to the displacement of tens of thousands of residents to the outskirts or safer neighbourhoods.

Since then, calm has returned to the capital after a ceasefire was brokered by political leaders, clan officials and top government officials, including the PM.

As of writing, Somalia's Federal Government has yet to release a formal statement on the Special Envoy's appointment, but President Farmajo had previously said Somalia would require "African Solutions to African Problems" during a one-day trip to the DRC on April 20.

Mahama served in Ghana's two most senior leadership positions, serving as the President from July 2012 to January 2017 and the Vice-President from January 2009 to July 2012.

Mahama will be the second former Ghanian President to serve as a special envoy to Somalia, following the late Jerry John Rawlings, who was appointed in October 2010.

Ghana was also one of the first countries to deploy police officers for AMISOM, deploying officers to Baidoa and Beledweyne in 2013.


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