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Puntland demands security chiefs sacked, Farmaajo limits powers before electoral talks resume

Wednesday February 24, 2021

Garowe (HOL) - Puntland has set out a raft of conditions for the resumption of talks with President Mohamed Farmaajo in what could open another round of contestations as the country anxiously awaits a new election.

Noting it was committed to implementing the September 17 agreement and proposals raised by the joint technical committee mid this month, the eastern state said circumstances had now changed, which called for arrangements to ensure these pacts are safeguarded.

Key among the conditions is a demand that Farmaajo partly relinquishes authority as head of state to ‘built trust’ among stakeholders.

“To address the constitutional crisis, President Farmajo must sign a decree limiting executive and legislative powers of the presidency and the parliament, as well as nullifying all legislation approved by the parliament after 27 December 2020, as well as any executive orders issued by the president after 8 February 2021,” the statement read in part.

Additionally, Puntland is demanding the resignation of senior security chiefs following the February 18-19 violence in Mogadishu, which the opposition blamed on the government.

They accused Farmaajo of seeking to assassinate their members by deploying security forces and allowing them to use live fire against opposition protesters.

According to Puntland, the Somali National Army heads, Intelligence, and Police should be relieved of their jobs, and interim commanders should be appointed for the period until elections are concluded.

“In order to observe the impartiality and the neutrality of the process, and to regain the trust amongst stakeholders and citizens, the security forces should not interfere in the political process,” Puntland added.

It also called for an independent inquiry into February 19. Security forces fired live bullets at opposition protestors, robust engagement of the international community, and a more inclusive electoral process for stakeholders.

The demands by Puntland come a day after Farmaajo sent out invitations to President Abdullahi Deni and his Jubbaland counterpart Ahmed Madobe to attend another round of talks in Mogadishu.

Here is a copy of the press release:



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