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Somali court compels Turkish ports operator to reinstate sacked employee

Saturday February 20, 2021

FESTU Secretary General Omar Faruk Osman, Abshir Hassan and Mohamed Khalif, one of the attorneys representing Mr. Abshir

MOGADISHU (HOL) - A court in Mogadishu has ordered the Turkish ports operator Favori LLC to reinstate an employee who was fired and compensate him for the time lost.

Banaadir Regional Court released the ruling Saturday compelling Favori to allow Abshir Hassan Abdulle resume his work as a porter at Aden Adde International Airport in Mogadishu.

According to Federation of Somali Trade Unions (FESTU) which petitioned on behalf of Abdulle, the court dismissed Favori’s pleas to affirm its decision to relieve the plaintiff of his job.

FESTU Secretary General Omar Faruk Osman welcomed the verdict terming it a victory for Somali workforce and labour rights in the country.

“This is an important achievement by the working class in Somalia. We applaud the court’s decision as it sends a clear signal to Favori and other multinationals operating in Somalia that they have a non-negotiable duty to respect the laws of Somalia and respect the rights of workers,” Osman said.

Noting that impunity in Somalia will not be tolerated, Osman added, “Favori must desist from depriving Somali workers of their human and labour rights including the right to union representation and collective bargaining.”

The ruling comes barely a week after FESTU indicted Favori in a report accusing the Turkish company of labour rights violations and collusion with senior government officials to trample on worker’s rights.


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