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Abdirashid Hashi steps down as director of prominent Somali thinktank

Saturday February 13, 2021

Mogadishu (HOL) - The veteran director of Somalia's first think tank has announced that he will step down from his role at the helm of an organization that has been at the forefront of policy since its inception in 2013.

Abdirashid Hashi announced his resignation on Twitter, saying that he wanted to inject fresh blood into the organization.

"After eight years at the helm, Heritage Institute board accepted my request to recruit a new leadership; I strongly felt HIPS Institute would benefit change of guard, new energy and vision particularly when the institute is in good shape; I too would benefit from a new challenge."

HIPS accepted the resignation, which released a press statement thanking Hashi for his leadership during his tenure.

"The board takes this opportunity to express its most sincere gratitude to Mr. Hashi for his vision and leadership and wishes him the best in his future endeavours."

Hashi, a co-founder of HIPS who has worked as an analyst for the International Crisis Group and as a federal Minister, is credited with launching HIPS' Annual Forum for Ideas (AFI) and boosting the organization's output.

Mursal Saney, Hashi's Deputy Director at HIPS, is now the organization's acting Executive Director.


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