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PM Roble calls Farmaajo ‘immediate former president’ as both sides bitterly feud

Monday December 27, 2021

MOGADISHU (HOL) -  Differences between Prime Minister Mohamed Roble and President Mohamed Farmaajo hit the fever pitch Monday morning after the Office of the Prime Minister described Farmaajo as ‘immediate former president’.

The OPM filed a series of tweets Monday morning following the decree by Farmaajo Sunday night supposedly suspending the powers of the prime minister accusing him of changes in the cabinet which included the swapping of positions between the ministers of justice and defence.

Roble moved Hassan Hussein Haji from defence to justice while Abdullqadir Maxamed Nuur (Jaama) changed positions from justice to defence docket. Farmaajo accused the PM of the changes in light on ‘investigations’ on him over allegations of grabbing land belonging to the navy.

In his response, the PM tweeted, “The outrageous statement from immediate former President, Mohamed Abdullahi (Farmajo) regarding the work of the PM and his failed attempt to militarily take over the OPM is a violation of the constitution & other laws, the consequences of which will be solely shouldered by Farmajo.

The PM’s remarks also followed reports that Farmaajo allied forces blocked the PM from accessing his office in the morning.

The PM was however reportedly escorted by AMISOM forces on foot to his office.
The PM was supposed to chair the National Consultative Council meeting today which brings together the PM and Federal Member State presidents.

Only Jubaland’s Ahmed Madobe and his Puntland counterpart Abdullahi Deni had confirmed attendance. South West state president Abdiasis Lafta Gareen, a close ally of Farmaajo has rejected to attend the meeting.


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