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Security forces reportedly on orders from HirShabelle VP ‘seize’ airport in Beletweyne

Monday December 13, 2021

BELEDWEYN (HOL) - Security forces in Beledweyne reportedly seized Ugaas Khalif Airport Monday morning amid allegations that the staff were ejected from the aviation facility.

Malik Abdalla, the manager of White Star, a company that built and managed the airport, spoke to HOL, confirmed the forces stormed the airport Monday morning under instructions from HirShabelle state vice president Yusuf Dhabageed.

The seizure came barely a day after the company was told to cease operations.

 Abdalla has confirmed that his staff was ejected from the facility halting airport operations, including landing and takeoff of aircraft.

The manager pointed the finger of blame at Dhabageed, saying the vice president was attempting to force the company to work on his political agenda.

White Star and Dhabageed had unresolved differences leading to the deployment of the security forces.

The situation at the airport now remains unclear. HirShabelle state government has not commented on the development which comes ahead of expected Lower House elections in Beledweyne.

The Ali Gudlawe administration based in Jowhar has had a problematic relationship with the Hiiraan region since he was elected late last year.

Attempts by Gudlawe to travel by to Beledweyne, the headquarters of the Hiiraan region, has been met with resistance from the local communities, which have rejected his election on the grounds that it violated a negotiated clan arrangement.


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