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We did not sign any pact with Kenya, PM Roble says

Thursday August 12, 2021

NAIROBI (HOL) - Somali PM Mohamed Roble has indicated he did not sign any trade deals nor negotiated the maritime matter with President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Addressing Somali business community in Nairobi, Roble said the talks only focused on rebuilding relations with Kenya following the collapse of ties last year.

The maritime issue and khat trade had been anticipated to form part of the talks. Somalia has however maintained the maritime issue will only be handled and disposed of by the International Court of Justice.

Roble held talks with his host President Kenyatta on Tuesday in Mombasa.

A communique noted the two sides discussed the restorations of relations and strengthening of the Joint Commission for Cooperation which the two countries signed in 2015.


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