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Hashi side boycotts Somaliland leadership vote as Mahdi faction re-elects Hariri

Saturday August 7, 2021

MOGADISHU (HOL) -  Khadar Hussein has been re-elected chairman of the Somaliland elections team led by Deputy Prime Minister Mahdi Guled as the Abdi Hashi team failed to turn up.

Hussein got all the seven votes returning to the position he had been elected into by the same team. PM Roble dissolved the earlier leadership on Thursday and called for fresh elections.

It is notable that three appointees from the PM's office who were not supposed to take part in elections based on previous agreements took part in today's poll.

Prior to the vote, efforts to convince the Hashi side to attend the meeting at Afisyoni failed.

Present in the meeting today was Mogadishu mayor Omar Filish and Interior Mukhtar Afah.

It is not now clear if the new factional leadership will proceed with organising elections without the presence of thr Hashi team.


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