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Families flee Mogadishu amid renewed clash between opposition and government forces

Tuesday April 27, 2021

Civilians flee following gunfire between factions within Somalia's security forces near KM4 in Hodan district of Mogadishu, Somalia April 26, 2021. REUTERS/Feisal Omar

MOGADISHU (HOL) - Several families are fleeing Mogadishu this morning following tensions as government and opposition forces mass up for an imminent clash.

HOL correspondent in Mogadishu reports seeing families boarding auto-rickshaws with their household wares near the former Turkish embassy in Hodan district as most city streets remain empty. Some of those who spoke anonymously to HOL said they are escaping to the outskirts of the city.

Shops, restaurants and education centres remain shut for the second day in many parts of the city, with most people keeping off the city centre.

Meanwhile, HOL can confirm that the government is sending in more reinforcements from central Somalia to back up those in the city who are already facing stiff resistance from opposition allied militias.

Government forces attacked Radio Mustaqbal, destroying equipment and damaging the offices Monday night.

It has also emerged there are divisions within the government on how to approach the situation.  HOL  has learned that some officials prefer negotiation with the opposition while others are keen on a military option.



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