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Somalis in Kenya take up 4.3% of plums jobs in the civil service

Friday September 4, 2020

NAIROBI(HOL) - Ethnic Somalis occupy 4.3% of the top management positions in Kenya’s civil service making them among the top ten communities occupying senior government positions.

A report release by the Public Service Minister Margaret Kobia notes that out of the 416 plum jobs in the civil service, Somalis hold 17 of them. Majority of the jobs are held by the big three tribes- Kikuyu, Kalenjin and Luo which take over 200 jobs.

The report further indicates that six major tribes occupy 80% of all public service jobs leaving the rest of the communities to share the remaining positions.

According to the 2019 National Census, Somalis number 2.7 million up from 2.3 million in 2009 making them among the most populous tribes in Kenya.

While receiving the report Thursday, Senators questioned the rationale of distribution of jobs in the civil service wondering why only a fraction of Kenyan tribes dominate the civil service.

“Does it means that when we have one tribe occupying the top positions, the rest of the people are not qualified?” nominated senator Naomi Shinyanga asked.


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