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Top al-Shabaab leaders killed in southern Somalia airstrikes

Monday August 10, 2020

MOGADISHU (HOL) - Bases of al Shabaab fighters in southern Somalia have been targeted in reported drone strikes, leaving two top al-Shabaab leaders dead.

Speaking to a military owned Radio, a military officer said war planes hit al-Shabaab training camps in Lower Shabelle and Jubba regions on Saturday night.

"Airstrikes happened in Haway village (of Lower Jubba region) and Sablale town ( in Lower Shabelle region), bases were destroyed," he said.

According to the official, the airstrike in Haway killed al-Shabaab commander identified as Dahir Moalim while bombardment in Sablale neutralised Ahmed Nur, a high rank official of militant group.

It is not known who carried out the strike but the United States has targeted the jihadists in the past.

Al-Shabaab has been fighting to topple Somalia's internationally recognized weak government for over decade.

With support of troops from African Union, Somali military succeeded to pushed al-Shabaab militants out of many major towns including the capital, Mogadishu.

The group which now controls parts of south and central Somalia carries out deadly bomb attacks and raids on government offices, restaurants frequented by government officials, military bases and African Union troops.


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