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2020 should be the year of delivery, UN envoy to Somalia says, calls for joint efforts

Hiiraan Online
Wednesday October 2, 2019

MOGADISHU (HOL) - The UN envoy for Somalia James Swan has called for concerted efforts among stakeholders in Somalia to ensure the country realizes key set milestones by 2020.

Speaking during the Somali Partnership Forum which opened in Mogadishu Tuesday, Swan said it was time to put minds and resources together to ensure 2020 becomes ‘the year of delivery’.

“This Somalia Partnership Forum now offers an opportunity to chart a course forward for the next 12 to 15 months, with clearly defined priority objectives and timelines.

While acknowledging – indeed, celebrating – progress to date, we must also be honest and frank about the challenges that remain,” the UN envoy said. “And, together, we must redouble efforts overcome these challenges and ensure that 2020 is the year of delivery on the most important priorities.”

Notable in the delivery framework, Swan said includes the realization of national elections, completion of the constitutional review process, degradation of Al-Shabaab and building of security and justice institutions.

“Today, I suggest we seize the opportunity of so many friends of Somalia gathered around this table to emphasize concrete steps needed for implementation of priority commitments agreed in the Mutual Accountability Framework,” the UN Special Representative said.

Echoing Swan’s sentiments, Deputy Prime Minister Mahdi Guled noted whereas the country had registered significant progress since the last partnership conference in Brussels last year, challenges still abound and called for unity of purpose to realise goals state recovery objectives.

"Despite the promising prospects,” he added, “we are under no illusion to underestimate the myriad of challenges ahead for the country's road to full recovery, which demands concerted political and financial commitments from both local stakeholders and international partners.”
The conference continues today where Prime Minister Hassan Khaire is leading discussions on economic recovery, security and justice reform, inclusive politics and social development.

The conference concludes today.


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