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A full picture of Abdirahman Abdi's final moments has finally been painted

Friday May 3, 2019
By Aedan Helmer   

Demonstrators march from Somerset Square park to Ottawa Police headquarter on Elgin street during the March for Justice – In Memory of Abdirahman Abdi. Saturday, July 30, 2016. James Park / Postmedia

Abdirahman Abdi swung a 30-pound road construction weight above his head as he tried to fend off the officer pursuing him through a Hintonburg public square that Sunday morning.

Const. Dave Weir chased Abdi to the steps of his Hilda Street home, where fellow officer Const. Daniel Montsion arrived in the moments leading to Abdi’s fatal arrest.

Now nearly three years after Abdi lost vital signs on July 24, 2016, and 12 weeks into Montsion’s manslaughter and assault trial — which was originally scheduled to end this week — a full picture of the final frantic moments leading to Abdi’s encounter with police has finally been painted by the eyewitnesses who saw the dramatic chase unfold, and by those who witnessed its violent end.

New details have emerged through testimony in recent weeks from key Crown witnesses — each at various vantage points along the 245-metre path Abdi took as he fled police from Wellington Street West to his home at 55 Hilda St. — providing court, the judge and the public with a backdrop of facts that led police to arrest Abdi that day.

In a trial grinding through numerous delays, objections, contested evidence and a charter challenge, Crown prosecutors Philip Perlmutter and Roger Shallow long ago presented Ontario Court Justice Robert Kelly with CCTV video from the building lobby showing the fatal interaction between Abdi and the two Ottawa police officers.

Both Weir and Montsion were named subjects of a Special Investigations Unit probe, which laid charges against Montsion in March 2017.

The judge has heard evidence Abdi, a 37-year-old Somali-Canadian man with mental health struggles, had sexually assaulted as many as six women in and around a Wellington Street West Bridgehead café, which led to the initial police call.

Witnesses described those assaults and the initial arrest attempt as Weir arrived on the scene, then chased Abdi as he ran through Somerset Square Park to Hilda Street.

Other witnesses saw Weir catch up to Abdi and shove him from behind, forcing Abdi to drop the road construction weight he had been wielding, as the momentum sent him hurtling down the sloped ramp and slamming into the glass doors of the apartment complex entrance just as the surveillance video shows Montsion joining the fray.

The Crown has argued the punches Montsion delivered to Abdi’s face were excessive force that contributed to the cause of his death. Montsion has pleaded not guilty to all charges.

Those who watched the scene unfold, and heard the screams of Abdi’s mother as she stood on the opposite side of the glass entrance door, said they were disturbed by what they witnessed.

Their court testimony pieces together and forms a record of what happened that day.

Hintonburg Community Centre on September 24, 2017.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

9:20 a.m. Hintonburg Community Centre, 1064 Wellington St. W.

“Government, corruption, sexuality.”

Caolan Cullum was unlocking the community centre doors to start his Sunday morning shift when he noticed a man standing behind him, his mouth agape and speaking incomprehensibly. He would later recognize Abdirahman Abdi from news reports, but at first all he could understand through Abdi’s thick accent and rambling tone as he followed him inside were the words, “government, corruption, sexuality.”

Abdi roamed into Cullum’s office and motioned to shake his hand, which he took as a peace offering. Abdi bumped into a pastor arriving for Sunday morning activities as he left the building with an awkward lurching stride. “Was that man with it?” the pastor asked Cullum.

9:25 a.m. Fairmont Avenue and Wellington Street West

“I need to touch you.”

Once outside, Abdi made eye contact with a woman waiting for the light to change at the intersection near the historic St. François d’Assise church. He “made a beeline” to her open car window, extending his hand inside to shake hers while repeating two phrases: “What is your name?” and “I need to touch you.”

His grip tightened as she recoiled, and Abdi reached his left hand into the window and “grabbed” and “squeezed” her breast. The woman and her friend in the passenger seat screamed at Abdi before they sped away. They did not report the assault to police at the time.

The Bridgehead at the corner of Fairmont and Wellington St. is photographed Monday, July 25, 2016. Darren Brown / Postmedia

9:30 a.m. Bridgehead Coffee, 1024 Wellington St. W.

“I’ve just been sexually assaulted.”

Michael Rowe was quietly enjoying his morning coffee routine at the Bridgehead café he called a cornerstone of the community, when a woman walked straight up to him, looked him in the eye and said, “I’ve just been sexually assaulted.” He then heard his wife exclaim, “Oh my God, that man just jumped that lady.”

Rowe saw Abdi on top of a slight woman he had pinned to the bench where she was sitting when Abdi entered the café. People shouted at Abdi as Rowe grabbed him by the arm in a vain attempt to free the woman. He later described Abdi to police as “strong as an ox” and said Abdi had the woman in a headlock.

“He didn’t budge,” Rowe said in court. “He was like a rock. He didn’t even flinch.” Rowe wrapped his arm around Abdi’s neck and used his full body weight to prise Abdi off the woman as the two tumbled backwards. Rowe and two other men slowly backed Abdi out the door — he recalled a handshake gesture from Abdi and a smirk on his face as he left — while others inside the café called 911 to report multiple sexual assaults.

9:35 a.m. Wellington Street West bike rack

“Don’t touch her.”

Abdi knocked over an elderly man walking a small dog as he backed out the café door, then turned his attention to a woman outside parking her bicycle with her young child. Rowe stormed outside and shoved Abdi’s back into the steel bike rack when he saw Abdi had grabbed the woman by the arm, her other arm attached to the child still seated precariously in the bicycle seat. A Bridgehead manager ushered Rowe back inside the locked café and told his longtime patron the situation was under control and that police would soon arrive.

Outside, Dr. Darren Courtney was on the line with 911. A trained psychiatrist with The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Courtney was visiting the city and looking for a place for breakfast when he saw Abdi at the bike rack thrusting against the woman.

“No, you can’t do that! Don’t touch her,” he heard as the woman warned Abdi not to touch her child.

Abdirahman Abdi. Postmedia Wire

9:39 a.m. 1000-block Wellington Street West

“Keeping the peace, keeping the peace.”

Emergency dispatchers were already aware of the situation and had been provided an accurate description of the suspect by other witnesses when Courtney dialled 911 to report the “aggressive, assaultive man.” Abdi turned from the woman and approached Courtney, appearing calm, relaxed and smiling with his arm outstretched in a handshake as he is overheard on the dispatch introducing himself to the doctor as “Abdirahman.”

Abdi’s voice is heard through the cellphone Courtney kept pressed to his ear as he engaged Abdi in conversation. “He said there was a struggle inside the café, and that people were bothering him,” Courtney testified. “At one point I thought he said he was hearing voices.”

Courtney asked Abdi about the voices, and in one of the few intelligible phrases recorded in a police transcript of the call, Abdi is heard saying, “Keeping the peace, keeping the peace.” He tells Courtney “I can’t go my home,” at the precise moment a police cruiser arrives, undetected by Abdi, and the officer approaches from behind.

9:42 a.m. 1000-block Wellington Street West

“At that point he stopped complying.”

Courtney held Abdi’s wrist to slow him down as he made to walk away from Const. Dave Weir, who ordered Abdi to place his hands against the exterior window of a packed Wellington Street diner. The officer reached for his handcuffs and, Courtney said, “At that point he stopped complying.”

Weir kicked Abdi in the back of the knee as he turned to run and he buckled to the ground, falling between the curb and a parked car. “He got up pretty quickly and ran north across Wellington to the other side,” Courtney said, with the officer in pursuit.

Abdi grabbed the lid from a garbage can and looked to be using it “to defend himself” before running off in the direction of Hilda Street, where Courtney lost sight of him as he heard sirens approaching.

The 30-pound rubber road weight Abdirahman Abdi was wielding during the police chase.

9:46 a.m. Somerset Square Park

“Put it down! Put it down!”

Wendy Dunford and her husband Ross McGhie were just finishing a morning jog that took them down Hilda Street when they came to rest on Spadina Avenue along the small Somerset Square Park.

They saw Abdi coming their way, moving east across the town square, wielding a road construction weight above his head and fending off what she thought were baton strikes from a police officer.

“Put it down! Put it down!” Sarah Clements heard the officer say from her second-floor window, as she saw the chase continue east to the intersection of Wellington and Hilda. “The man was holding an object above his head,” she said as the officer loudly repeated the order. “The man wasn’t complying.”

Dunford watched from street-level about 40 metres away as Weir caught up to Abdi on the sloped ramp to the 55 Hilda St. entrance and shoved him from behind, forcing him to drop the 30-pound rubber weight on the sidewalk, where it would later be recovered by investigators.

Clements heard a car from below as she moved to get a clearer view, documenting the drama in text messages to a friend as she looked down to see Const. Daniel Montsion arrive.

Abdirahman Abdi with Const. Daniel Montsion on right, Const. Dave Weir on the left.

9:47 a.m. 55 Hilda St.

“He was screaming for help.”

Eyewitness accounts of what happened next vary wildly. Some witnesses, who also told their stories to media in some of the first televised interviews from the scene in 2016, gave testimony that sharply contradicts the surveillance video from Hilda Street entered into evidence at trial.

David Thyne has been haunted by nightmare scenes of police brutality, and told the press, and later investigators he saw police with batons beating a prone, bloodied, handcuffed man.

“He was screaming for help,” Thyne said in court, relaying a similar version of what he said in front of a TV camera that morning: “They were using the stick and they were really going at him, and he was screaming.”

While the defence has contested the various versions of the CCTV video used by investigators, it was agreed by all parties the video shows Montsion never drew his baton or struck Abdi with it, and neither officer struck Abdi with any blow once he was in handcuffs.

Still from video shown at the Const. Daniel Montsion trial. The CCTV surveillance video shows the July 24, 2016 fatal arrest of Abdirahman Abdi.

9:48 a.m. 55 Hilda St.

“It was violent.”

Dunford said she saw Montsion deliver between five and 10 punches before Abdi was taken to the ground, though CCTV footage shows Montsion landing one distinct punch to Abdi’s face as he arrives to see Weir, his fellow officer, landing a kick and swinging his baton at the suspect.

Text messages sent by Clements describing the events as they happened provided a clearer document of the timing, after it was revealed the CCTV footage has an inaccurate timestamp and is inconsistent with real elapsed time.

Abdi is shown being taken to the ground by Weir, who slams his baton against the ground to collapse and sheath the weapon and grabs his handcuffs as the two officers wrestle with the suspect. Montsion punches the back of Abdi’s flailing legs and punches him twice in the face shortly before Abdi stops moving.

“It was violent,” Clements said as she saw Abdi lying motionless on the ground. “I didn’t see anyone doing CPR until the ambulance arrived.”

Still from witness video shot after a confrontation involving police and Abdirahman Abdi in Hintonburg.

9:49 a.m. 55 Hilda St.

“There was no urgency to save his life.”

Emergency dispatchers took calls from officers beginning at 9:49:19 a.m. and identified the nearest ambulance within 90 seconds as the first paramedics arrived to the scene at 9:56 a.m., just over five minutes later.

Paramedics believed they were responding to a pepper spray incident, and there was evidence Abdi was pepper-sprayed by Weir earlier during the chase, though no witness has testified to seeing that use-of-force option deployed. It remains unclear if that information was communicated at the time to other officers called in as backup.

Abdi lost vital signs, and briefly regained a pulse following the frantic efforts of paramedics, which continued in the ambulance and emergency room after the initial assessment and treatment of Abdi was captured on video by numerous witnesses in the crowd that formed around the Hilda Street apartment complex.

Before paramedics arrived, witness and Abdi family friend Nimao Ali complained, “There was no urgency to save his life.”

Abdi was pronounced dead in hospital the following day.

Family friend Nimao Ali is hugged by a friend after speaking at the vigil which took place at Somerset Park on Spadina Ave for Abdirahman Abdi. Wayne Cuddington / Postmedia

Here’s the Montsion manslaughter evidence we still expect to hear

The eyewitnesses to testify so far at Const. Daniel Montsion’s trial have answered many questions that lingered in the background of the case, but no witness has yet been qualified to provide any expert opinion on the central questions the Crown must answer, and the burden of proof prosecutors must meet in pursuing charges of manslaughter, aggravated assault and assault with a weapon.

The Crown’s argument for a criminal conviction — that Montsion used excessive force in punching Abdirahman Abdi with a weapon (the gloves he was wearing) and unlawfully caused his injury and death — has been challenged at every step by Montsion’s defence team of Michael Edelson and Solomon Friedman.

The defence lawyers have suggested throughout the Crown’s case that the circumstances leading to Abdi’s death were compounded by numerous other factors, which are expected to be among the arguments central to Montsion’s defence, including evidence that:

  •     Abdi had a heart condition and doctors later discovered a severe 80 per cent blockage in two major arteries;
  •     Abdi exhibited signs of “excited delirium” with his erratic behaviour, unusual strength, high tolerance for pain and a resistance to pepper spray;
  •     SIU investigators mistakenly categorized Montsion’s gloves as Oakley-brand “assault gloves” — described as being “like brass knuckles” in media reports cited at trial — while the gloves Montsion actually wore contained none of the carbon fibre reinforcement that was reported by investigators;
  •     the gloves were issued as protective gear to members of Montsion’s specialized police unit, the direct action response team (DART).

Const. Daniel Montsion leaves the Ottawa Courthouse during an adjournment on the first day of his trial for manslaughter in the death of Abdirahman Abdi on February 4, 2019. Errol McGihon / Postmedia

Montsion’s defence team has also suggested Abdi suffered the critical injury not by the punches from their client, but on the takedown by Const. Dave Weir, who, like Montsion, was investigated by the Special Investigations Unit but not charged.

The high-profile trial started Feb. 4 and was initially set to run 12 weeks, though having now reached that mark the Crown is still expected to call several expert witnesses critical to its case.

Chief among those is Dr. Christopher Milroy, the esteemed forensic pathologist who presided over Abdi’s autopsy and initially ruled his death an accident, according to a draft report cited by the defence.

The doctor “changed his mind” and ruled Abdi’s death a homicide, Montsion’s defence has argued, after a meeting at SIU headquarters with investigators, agency lawyers and SIU director Tony Loparco.

Prosecutors will not call any member of the SIU apart from forensic identification officer David Robinson, who already spent parts of 10 trial days on the witness stand in testimony that set in motion a defence charter application to stay all charges over contested video evidence and related disclosure issues.

The prosecution notably will not call SIU lead investigator John Line, who has attended each day of trial and had been on the Crown’s witness list when the proceedings began.

Prosecutors told Justice Robert Kelly they will not call any member of the Ottawa Police Service, despite several senior officers who were set to give expert testimony on procurement standards and standards for use-of-force, and who were named in the Crown’s opening arguments, three months ago.

The Crown is also not expected to call Weir to testify.


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