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AU urges Somalia to foster peace, reconciliation

Thursday July 18, 2019

The Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU) has called on Somali leaders to foster peace and reconciliation as part of efforts to development the country.

PSG, which is AU's standing decision-making organ for prevention, management and resolution of conflicts, also condemned the July 12 attack happened in southern port city of Kismayo in which 26 people were killed and 56 others injured, according to a statement issued in Mogadishu on Wednesday.

The council encouraged the Somali government and federal member states to continue to work steadfastly towards lasting peace in the Horn of Africa nation.

The AU body reiterated its full support to the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and its personnel, and paid tribute to its troops and police-contributing countries for the sacrifice they continue to make for the promotion of lasting peace and security in Somalia.


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