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UPDATE 2: Over 79 dead as toll rises in Ex-Control bombing

Saturday December 28, 2019

An injured child is carried by two women at Madina hospital following a car bomb explosion at a checkpoint in Mogadishu earlier today

MOGADISHU (HOL) - Over 79 people have so far been confirmed dead and close to 100 others injured as the death toll in the Ex-Control truck bombing rises.

Medina Hospital confirmed it has received 73 bodies from the scene of the bombing which rocked Ex-
Control area in the outskirts od the capital Mogadishu Saturday morning.

The hospital also noted it had received 84 people who were injured. By 1pm, Digfer Hospital confirmed it had three bodies and received 58 people for treatment.

Authorities said most of the casualties were students from Banaadir University who were travelling in a minivan to school. The incident comes barely two months after the country marked ten years since
another terrorist attack hit a graduation ceremony where medical students from Banaadir University
were graduating. About 20 students, teachers and three government ministers were killed.

Mogadishu mayor Omar Filish earlier told journalists the truck loaded with explosives was heading to
the city centre but was blocked by security forces. The casualties would have been much higher if the
truck made way into the city given the concentration of people.

The casualties are expected to rise as reports from other hospitals in the city continue to file in. Like it
did in October 2017 when a truck bomb killed over 600 people in Mogadishu, Al-Shabaab has gone mute.


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