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Burao residents protest against electricity price hikes

Hiiraan Online
Tuesday November 21, 2017

BURCO,(HOL)-Hundreds of protesters took the thoroughfare of Burao town in the breakaway Somaliland to protest steep electricity price increase.

Power supply companies have this week announced that they ramp up the price. The protesters started the demos Monday, chanting slogans denouncing the private companies in the city.

The electricity prices have hit two times higher, pilling pressure on households already grappling with rising food costs.

Mohamed Omar Beyle, a local resident said the price hike sparked widespread anger and resentment among locals.

"The price shoot up by 200% which is unprecedented hikes, we call upon the administration intervene the matter," Beyle said.

The demonstrators who were dispersed by the law enforcement agencies complained about police harassment but vowed to continue with demos till the situation is intervened.

The move comes less than a week after residents raised concerns over poor wiring following death of two men who were electrocuted.

The two died when a billboard they were erecting hit high-tension naked electricity cable. The power companies which privately owned were accused of employing incompetent technicians.

Recently the town was rocked by massive protests against fake ballot papers allegations. Over five killed and several others sustained injuries in clashes between police and irritated youths.



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