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Hassan Ali Khaire confirmed as Prime Minister by Parliament, vows to tackle corruption
Wednesday March 1, 2017

Mogadishu (HOL) -  Somali Parliamentarians have voted unanimously to approve Hassan Ali Khaire as Prime Minister of Somalia on Wednesday afternoon. In total, 231 MPs gave their nod of approval to the Presidents first pick for PM.

In a tweet sent by the PM’s office, Hassan Ali Khaire thanked lawmakers for their overwhelming support. He also vowed to tackle corruption by prosecuting individuals involved, regardless of their position.

“We will tackle the corruption and vow to prosecute individuals implicated regardless of his/her status. The era of impunity is over." He added that his government will follow the lead of former PM Abdirizak Haji Hussein and will be based on "competence and efficiency".

"The creed of my government will be ‘competence and efficiency’ as was the motto of Former PM Abdirizak Haji Hussein AUN".

Hussein was Prime Minister of Somalia from 1964 - 1967 and is remembered for his responsible leadership. This declaration will likely mean that PM Khaire intends to assemble a cabinet based on talents and merit.

In a video released after he was nominated as PM, Khaire promised to form a representative cabinet. His expertise as a regional director with the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is expected to be drawn upon by the government as it battles sever drought conditions and struggles to fend of a famine.

Upon the nomination, PM Khaire resigned from his position at Soma Oil and Gas and “relinquished” all of his shares to avoid any possible conflicts of interest.

The New PM is expected to fill his cabinet in the coming days. In his speech to Parliament today, the PM promised to include women in top positions in government.


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