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Electoral Commission decision to cancel debate angers Presidential candidates

Hiiraan Online
Tuesday January 31, 2017

Mogadishu (HOL) - A debate between the 24 Somali presidential candidates scheduled for Tuesday afternoon was cancelled by the majority of the candidates due to a nationwide internet blackout.

The candidates arrived at the debate venue to find that the internet connection was still not restored and that the only media organization invited was state-owned SNTV (Somali National TV), triggering a unified walk-out by the candidates. The election committee then cancelled the debate outright with no plans for a rescheduled debate which drew the ire of most of the presidential hopefuls.

The candidates then met at Jazeera Hotel to discuss the cancellation of the debate and possible alternative solutions for rescheduling. They decided that the presidential debate should be rescheduled and argued that the debate was set by the Parliament and that the electoral commission does not have the authority to cancel it.

HOL spoke with one of the candidates on the condition of anonymity who said that the sole presence of SNTV at the debate was suspicious. The internet blackout only exasperated the situation and most of the candidates felt too uncomfortable to continue. He added that the entire situation was "unfair to the process of the debate". At the meeting between presidential candidates, they concluded that should another debate be held, all credible media outlets should be invited.

Each presidential candidate will stillĀ  have the opportunity to articulate their views and platform during scheduled speeches in front of the newly elected Parliament on February 2nd, 4th, and 5th.

The debate cancellation is the latest blunder in an election season that has been tarnished by delay's, cancellations and broken promises.

The schedule for the presidential speeches


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