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US Government Opposes the Jowhar Conference

Hiiraan Online
Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Confirmed report received by HOL says the US Government has opposed the Jowhar Conference for the state building for Hiiraan and Middle Shabelle Regions.

The report also says that the US Government has suggested the state formation for the two regions be postponed until after the federal elections . It cites that ample time should be set aside for the state building task and that the will of the people in the two regions should be considered.

The US Government has also informed the same to President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud's Government.

The US Ambassador to Somalia, Stephen Schwartz who is based in Nairobi recently travelled to Somalia. In his short trip, Ambassador Stephen Schwartz met with Somali presidential candidates in the forthcoming election due to take place on the 30th of November.

The conference in question is currently underway in Jowhar.

Meanwhile, lawmakers were busy finalizing the draft constitution for a regional administration in Hiiraan region which has been formally approved.


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