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Prominent Somali women rights activist dies in Canada

Hiiraan Online
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

OTTAWA (HOL) – Idil Ladane Salah,  a prominent gender equality activist and researcher of peace building and developments has died in Ottawa on Monday, aged 50, her family said. 

Ms. Ladane began activism at a young age in the light of equality complaints by women in Somalia, focusing on empowerment of Somali women’s role in society as she co-founded both  "Somali Women's Circle Network (SWCN) and Somali Gender Equity Movement (SGEM).

“Enough is enough.” Read the motto of her organization which advocated for Somali women’s political participations and political decision making at all levels.

Her death sparked an outpouring of tributes online as Somalis from all walks of life took to the social media on Monday to mourn the death of a women often referred as ‘spirited’.

“You were legend, brave and always stood above others.” said Ahmed  Shamsi, in Minneapolis on twitter.

“As women, you always made us look stronger –But today I am heartbroken – love you Iidl.”  said Fathiya Mumin, a Somali-Canadian woman in Ottawa.

"Dr. Idil was someone who has dedicated allot of time and energy to the well being of the Somali Nation in general and particularly to the Somali women. May Every lesson she tough us, every program she started and every soul she touch serve as a Sadaqah Jariyah for her" said Luul Kulmiye who is the founding member of SGEM

During her struggle towards gender equality, Ms. Ladane has run for the prime minister’s position in late 2014, a position she believed could have used to influence changing the gender inequality’s status, something she believed was an enormous problem within Somali society.

Somalia’s prime minister and foreign minister have sent unprecedented condolences to  the families, relatives and friends of the late activist, describing her loss as ‘huge’.

Idil was also a researcher who conducts work that relates to gender equality, human Security, failed states, peace-building and development issues. Idil has written on Somalia issues extensively, especially on the role of Somali women in peace and development. Idil was working for the Federal Government of Canada, holds PhD on public affairs and management and Masters of Anthropology, according to SWCN website


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