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Now he's a DRUG dealer: Somali gang rapist still at large despite calls for deportation

Abdulmajid Al-Amodi is still in the UK despite being threatened with deportation twice

Friday, May 15, 2015

Father-of-one Abdulmajid Al-Amodi, 26, was convicted in 2006 of gang raping a 17-year-old student, which was filmed while the vile group laughed about "roasting pork".

He was sentenced to eight years in jail after a judge told him he behaved like an animal and that his student immigration status in Britain should be revoked.

However, instead, he was released after just four years in prison and moved back to Hull - where he had raped the teen.

He has since been living on £280 benefits a month while making drug deals in charity shops.

Today, Al-Amodi, of Woodbine Close, Hull, was back behind bars for two-and-a-half years after being found guilty of possession of cocaine with intent to supply.

Judge Mark Bury again told him he should be deported but Al-Amodi's family say they will fight his second deportation order.

The Home Office say they "are committed to deporting this individual" - but only at the end of his sentence.

Al-Amodi's elder brother, Mahasmoud, was also recommended for deportation in 2006 by the same judge from his sibling's original case, after he was convicted of attempted rape of the same girl.

The case has sparked anger among Al-Amodi's neighbour's in Hull who said he should be sent back now rather than serve his time in prison.

Francis Jenneson, 67, said: "It beggars belief that he was not deported the first time. We have to pay for him in prison.

"What has he been doing for the last four years? Dealing? The immigration laws are a farce. How many times does a judge have to say you should be deported before you go?

"He openly dealt drugs in this street day and night. I knew about the rape and never understood why he was still here.

"The poor girl he raped actually left England because of what he did. Her mother described him as a parent's worst nightmare.

"She was traumatised by what he and his friends did."

In the latest hearing a jury of five women and seven men took less than an hour to find Al-Amodi guilty of dealing in drugs after a three-day trial at Hull Crown Court.

Judge Bury said as far as he was aware Al-Amodi is a Somali national who was recommended for deportation in 2007, a move that should be considered again.

Crown Barrister David Hall said he did not believe Al-Amodi was ever given British citizenship and added that he could not account for how the rapist had slipped through the net and was not sent back to Somalia.

In the latest trial, the jury heard how Al-Amodi was watched by two undercover police officers making three street deals before they moved to arrest him in August last year.

He had two wraps of cocaine and £33 in cash, and they found digital scales, a razor blade and cling film in his flat as well as more than 20 text messages relating to the sale of drugs on his mobile phone.

In 2006, Al-Amodi - then 18-years-old - was convicted of raping a teenage student who had gone to his flat to sleep off a hangover after a party.

She was recorded in a sick video being raped by at least two men at the flat in Goodwin Parade, Hull, in May 2005.

Despite Judge Tom Cracknell saying in the 2006 trial Al-Amodi should serve all eight years of his original sentence and should then be deported to Somalia, this did not happen.

Outside court Al-Amodi's elder brother, Mahasmoud, said his sibling had not been granted full UK citizenship because he had not passed a written immigration test.

The 27-year-old attempted rapist said they he and Abdulmajid left Somalia because of violence in the African country and they "cannot go back".

A Home Office spokesman refused to explain why Abdulmajid has remained in the UK since his prison release in 2010.

He said: "Foreign nationals who commit crimes in the UK should be in no doubt of our determination to deport them - we have removed more than 23,000 since 2010.

"The Home office remains committed to deporting this individual from the UK." 

Non-EU nationals who are jailed for 12 months or more are routinely considered for deportation at the end of their sentence.


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