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Somali women seek to close gaps in gender equality

Hiiraan Online
Monday, June 15, 2015

MINNEAPOLIS (HOL) ----For decades, Somali women’s pressing efforts for equal access to political representation in Somalia have made little headways in the male-dominated political circle where few women stand out among the crowd.

Despite their challenges, calls for a change have been mounting with a new campaign aims to change the stereotype by promoting gender equity in the public decision-making processes for 2016 and beyond.

According to the founders of the Somali Gender Equity Movement (SGEM), their campaign started in response to the ‘glaring’ absence of Somali women’s voices from the critical debate surrounding the vision 2016 framework for Somalia.

“SGEM’s aim is to achieve 40% minimum of female representation in Somalia leadership.” The new organization’s founders said in a  statement emailed to HOL.

Launched in Minneapolis in June 13, 2015, the socio-political movement officials said their campaign has already attracted support from more than 9,000 diverse Somali women in a span of three weeks through social media.

“SGEM will critically analyze and respond judiciously to the Somali Federal Government’s Vision 2016 framework, as well as review the draft Provisional Constitution through a gender equity lens.” The group’s statement added.

In Somalia, despite the crucial role they play within society, Somali women are still not adequately involved in political decision-making. Politics and peace-building remain exclusively male domains sidelining women’s efforts to meaningfully participate in political processes and excluding them from key discussions, according to a recent report by the African aid group of Adeso.

The report further stated that it recognized that Somali women continued to face poverty, food insecurity, lack of economic empowerment and limited participation in decision making and peace

In spite of the challenges ahead, leaders for this movement are buoyant in their efforts would bring a change to the Somali women who are trying to break barriers to make a political comeback.

“SGEM is striving to bring about positive societal change through advocacy for human rights in general, and women’s rights in particularly in every aspect of social and political life.” The
statement said.


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