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Perceptions of Security and Justice in Mogadishu

Monday, September 29, 2014

Residents of Mogadishu feel a lot safer and more optimistic compared to last year. That’s according to an OCVP survey of 1,664 people across Mogadishu’s 17 districts conducted between February and March this year.

The absence of clan warfare and running battles between armed groups and the Somali Government was seen as a major contributor to the improvement of security.

Still, residents were deeply concerned about regular suicide attacks, assassinations and robbery by armed groups. Moreover, the survey revealed that Mogadishu residents question the credibility of the security agencies, pointing to poor coordination, command and control. The justice system was also seen as deeply corrupt and inept to settle disputes. This has forced many residents to seek the mediation capacity of elders.

Using OCVP’s data, we prepared this Policy Brief (Download the full policy briefing) with recommendations


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