Today from Hiiraan Online:  _
U.S. Embassy Kampala hosts Muslim Sisters

Friday, May 23, 2014

The U.S. Embassy Kampala yesterday hosted an impressive group of Ugandan Muslim sisters for a friendly chat.

The remarkable individuals shared their experiences and their hopes for their country.

Ambassador Scott H. DeLisi welcomed their questions, including those that challenged U.S. policy.

That is, after all, what democratic discourse is all about! In his remarks he said, “We are trying to engage broadly, especially with women, to get a better sense of their issues and concerns.

Too often the important role of women in this society is overshadowed by traditional perspectives. Gender is not, and should not, be a bar to contributing fully in society, nor should faith or any of the other "identifiers" that too often divide rather than unite us." Glad these impressive women could join us. Share a message of support!


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