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Somalia: Red Cross Red Crescent to Assist Cyclone Survivors in Somalia

International Federation of Red Cross
and Red Crescent Societies

Press release
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

More than 100 people are confirmed dead and many more are missing following a tropical cyclone that hit Puntland region in Somalia.

The storm struck the North Eastern Puntland region, bringing strong winds, heavy rains and flash floods to the towns of Eyl, Bandar Beyla and Hafun.

The storm has left several areas inaccessible and cut off from communication, making it difficult to determine the real magnitude of the damage. It is estimated that over 100,000 livestock have been lost, threatening the livelihoods of tens of thousands of people.

In response to this silent disaster, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) has stepped in to complement efforts of the Government of Somalia and the Somalia Red Crescent Society to assist the estimated 4,000 to 5,000 affected families, focusing on the Hafun and Alula districts.

"People living in this part of Somalia are living in extreme poverty," said Finn Jarle-Rode, IFRC regional representative, eastern Africa. "They remain vulnerable from these recurring 'silent' disasters which don't often receive the attention of large scale climate-related disasters. They lack the resources at the household and community level to bounce back from these shocks, which is why it is vital we respond quickly and efficiently."

IFRC is deploying a team tonight to assist the Somali Red Crescent to carry out assessments and initial response in the North Eastern Puntland. IFRC will also send in non-food items such as kitchen sets, tarpaulins, blankets, sleeping mats, jerry cans and soap from Nairobi for 1,000 families.

With fears of an outbreak of water borne diseases, IFRC is also deploying a water and sanitation specialist from the Regional Disaster Response Team (RDRT), as well as a health specialist from the Somali Red Crescent to take part in the assessment mission. The full RDRT remains on stand-by to be deployed to Puntland and Somaliland if needed.

The Somali Red Crescent has mobilized its volunteers to evacuate people to safer ground, and to provide first aid services. Volunteers are also collecting and burying dead livestock in an effort to stave off the breakout of disease. Mobile health clinics will be sent to the affected areas once access is available.


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