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Uhuru, Raila battle down to 78 constituencies

Friday, March 08, 2013

The battle to the finish line in the presidential race has narrowed to 78 constituencies after the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) declared results for 222 constituencies early Friday.

Only three returning officers from the 78 remaining constituencies are yet to arrive at the Bomas of Kenya even as the IEBC is expected to declare the final results of the later Friday.

Mr Uhuru Kenyatta  is still commanding a sizeable lead closely edging towards the 50+ 1 threshold with a wide margin of over 600,000 ahead of his main rival Raila Odinga.

With 216 constituencies counted Mr Kenyatta had 4,769,769 against Mr Odinga's 4,132,062 with close to 2 million votes still expected.

It is unclear whether the race will be won in round one with Mr Kenyatta and Mr Odinga waiting to see how they have performed in the remaining constituencies.

Mr Kenyatta still has a number of strongholds to rely on for a round one win while Mr Odinga is also depending on numbers from favourable constituencies to force a run off.

Some of the outstanding constituencies: Maara, Buuri, Chuka, Chuka/IgaraNgombe, Tharaka, Manyatta, Mbeere South, Bahati, Nakuru Town, Njoro, Molo, Olkalou, Ndaragwa, Kieni, Kangema, Othaya, Nakuru South, Narok North, Konoin, Emurwa Dikkir, Kilgoris, Marakwet East, Marakwet West, Baringo North, Baringo South, Tiaty, Kesses, Saboti, Endebes, Tongeren, Ikolomani, Turbo, Sabatia, Luanda, Mbita, Kaloleni, Tala Mbala, North Horr, Fafi.

Others include: Isiolo North, Turkana South, Loima, Turkana East, Kapenguria, Samburu West, Samburu North, Samburu East, Suna East, Suna West, West Mugirango, Matungulu, Mavoko, Kangundo, Mathare, Navakholo, Teso North, Teso South, Rangwe, Ndhiwa, Kitutu Masaba, Starehe, Narok South and Narok West.

Source: Daily Nation


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