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Experts discuss Somalia crisis in roundtable discussion
Pakistan Observer
Monday, July 01, 2013

The Islamabad-base research think-thank, Muslim Institute on Sunday organized a round table discus-sion on “Independence day of Somalia: A Question of Socio, Economic and Political Independence” Former Ambassador to Kenya, Shafqat KakaKhel and Usman Hassan Research Associate Muslim Institute, were speakers in the round table discussion.

Representatives from various organiza-tions, universities and media participated in the Discussion. Usman Hassan, Research Associate MUSLIM Institute, made a presentation on the history and current state of crisis of Somalia.

He informed that Somalia forged bet-ter relations with USA in 1980s after hav-ing differences with Soviet Union. USA supported Somalia in defense and also provided financial support despite the fact that Barre’s dictatorship was against people’s will.

Therefore civil war started in 1980s and Barre’s regime ended in 1991. Since then, no strong central govern-ment has been established in the country.

As a result of weak government and civil war, infrastructure and agriculture were destroyed, causing outbreak of fam-ine in 1992, that killed about 0.2 million people. UN and USA sent peacekeeping mis-sions in Somalia.

Ambassador Shafqat Kaka Khel speaking on the occasion said that Soma-lia is facing severe human crisis. Its solution is very necessary and no one will come to solve that issue from out-side. Muslims are responsible to solve this problem.

Somalia has trade potential and it was trade center historically. Somalia was a hub of trade between Asia and Africa in the middle ages.

People of Somalia played vital role to promote Islam in Africa. Ambassador Shafqat Kaka Khail opined that external interference and patronage of warlords has to be checked to control situation in Somalia.


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