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FBI Looking At Somali Man’s Intimidation Complaint

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) – The FBI says it is looking into allegations that two agents intimidated a Somali man.

The Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations sent the FBI a letter last week, saying man said he felt pressured when he was approached in October and asked to become an informant.

CAIR-MN Executive Director Lori Saroya says the agents reportedly threatened to delay the man’s asylum request, defame him in the community, and visit his workplace. Days later, the man was fired.

FBI spokesman Kyle Loven says an FBI supervisor called CAIR and acknowledged the FBI got the letter and would look into it. Loven says there was no promise of a formal investigation.

For years, the Minneapolis FBI has been investigating recruitment of fighters for a terror group in Somalia.


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