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Karangi praises KDF work in Somalia

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Chief of Defence Forces General Julius Karangi has hailed Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) for their role in restoring stability in Somalia.

Karangi said Kenya forces involvement in the Somali operation with the UN-backed African Union force Mission in Somalia (Amisom) had enhanced the country’s territorial integrity and bolstered its image regionally and internationally.

He said KDF continue to be a symbol of nationhood with officers drawn from different communities working together in unity.

The Chief of Defence Forces made the remarks at Kenya Military Academy in Lanet where he presided over the graduation parade of Specialists and Special Duty Officers.

“The  confidencee bestowed in our troops in peace keeping missions under United Nations is testimony of high military training and professionalism in our forces,” he said.

He urged the forces to be ambassadors of peace and continue to be an example of how people can live together in the country irrespective of tribal affiliation.

During the ceremony, 39 officers graduated after undergoing a four-month vigorous training in various fields including computer technology, meteorology, geographical information systems, medical, veterinary and journalism. Karangi said the officers will be posted to various formations and units and urged them to apply their training diligently and guard against irresponsible behaviour.

“You should not engage in irresponsible behaviour that may jeopardise your personal health or the integrity of the force,” he advised.

He said the officers are fortunate to serve in the noble profession charged with defending the country and they should not waste and betray that trust.

“Success will depend by and large on personal integrity, discipline, loyalty to the country and the Commander in Chief,” he added.


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