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President Hassan says “Chemical weapons remain deadly and destructive”
Office of the President of Somalia
Press Release
Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Federal Republic of Somalia expresses it’s solemn commitment to accede to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction.

The main objective of this Convention is to outlaw the production, use and stockpiling of chemical weapons. By acceding to this convention, the Federal Government of Somalia joins those States, which signed and ratified this convention.

This commitment to sign the Convention on Chemical Weapons by the Federal Government of Somalia is indicative of Somalia’s active return to the community of nations, as well its respect for international law.

“Chemical weapons remain deadly and destructive. The prohibition of such weapons is good for mankind and is a major step towards general and complete disarmament.”

The Federal Government of Somalia calls on all states to join and respect the provisions of this convention.


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