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AMISOM condemns the assassination of the newly inaugurated leader

African Union Mission for Somalia (AMISOM)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

(For immediate release)

Mogadishu - The African Union Mission in Somalia has condemned the assassination of the newly inaugurated leader of Hiiraan regional elderss Union, Sheikh Mohamud Sheikh Hussein.

Sheikh Mohamud Sheikh Husseiin was shot and killed a day after his inaugurati ion by three men armed with pistols in the regiona al capital, Beletweyne.

AMISOM Force Commander Lt. General Andrew Gutti sent his condolences to the family and friends of the assassinated leade as well as to the people of Hiiraan. “This was s an attack aimed at derailing the efforts of the Somali people to recover from the years of anarchy and to establish legitimate local governance,” he said.

“AMISOM stands ready to assist the Somali Federal Government and Somali Police Force in their efforts to bring the perpetrators of this atrocious act to justice,” he added.

The Force Commander, who on Sunday visited Beletweyne to inspect the newly deployed AMISOM troops, reaffirmed AMISOM’s commitment to helping the Somali National Security Forces build up their capacity to o secure the region.“We have recently deployed more Djibouti troops serving under AMISOM to boost security and to help train our Somali counterparts,” he

AMISOM has been helping to train the core of a rejuvenated national army and police force for

Source: AMISOM


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