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Sen. Klobuchar on extension of Somali Protected Status
Hiiraan Online
Thursday, May 03, 2012
by Dalmar Gure

Supporters of Amy gather for a photo at a Somali Action Alliance event

Incumbent Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar welcomed a decision from the Department of Homeland Security to extend Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for eligible Somalis living in the US for an additional 18 months.

“Minnesota is home to the largest population of Somali immigrants in America – they are our friends, our co-workers, and our neighbors. Returning to Somalia at this time could put many Somalis and their families in serious danger, and this extension of TPOS will ensure that they can stay out of harm’s way.”

According to a report released late 2010 by the U.S Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, about 25,000 of the total 85,700 Somalis living in the U.S live in Minnesota; although Somali community leaders in Minnesota estimate the number to be much higher, around 50,000 - 70,000.

Somalia was designated for TPS in 2001 as a result of ongoing armed conflicts throughout the country. It was assessed that it would be a danger for TPS eligible individuals in the U.S to return to Somalia.

Under the new extension, Somalis who have been granted TPS are eligible to re-register and maintain their status for an additional 18 months. The current protected status had been set to expire on September 17, 2012. This new extension is valid through March 17, 2014.


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