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Somalia government says will deport held British national

Africa Review
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Somalia's immigration department will deport a British passport holder seized at Mogadishu’s Aden Abdulle International Airport on Tuesday.

But the department's director, Gen Abdullahi Gafow Mohamoud did not say when the UK national would be deported.

At a press conference Thursday at the airport, Gen Mohamoud accused Dennis, 45, of being in Somalia to aid Al-Shabaab militants.

"Through investigations, we realised that Clive Dennis came to this country to fuel the hostilities orchestrated by Al-Qaeda," he said.

The Briton was apprehended at the airport after declaring a suspicious travel itinerary. He had no entry visa to Somalia and claimed that he was a Muslim trying to help fellow Muslims in Somalia.
"We also discovered that he could neither speak Somali and Arabic languages nor knew anything about Koran (Muslim’s Holy Text)," said the agency head.

His luggage also raised suspicion. "He (Clive Dennis) was in possession of many types of rope for strangling people, anti-smoking chewing gums, credit cards and knives."

The seized man declared that he came from London through Kenya. According to security officials at the airport, Dennis holds a British passport with serial number 3004545431.

“We will investigate the matter thoroughly," said Col Abdullahi Hassan Barise, the commander of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID).

This incident occurs at a time the British government has warned its citizens against joining Al-Shabaab and Al-Qaeda groups in Somalia.

Another Briton, Jermaine Grant, 29, was arrested in Kenya in December and is due to stand trial in connection with a terror plot.


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