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Somali government releases two men found guilty in killing the journalist, Hassan Fantastic
Saturday, June 16, 2012

The family of Hassan Osman Abdi “ Hassan Fantastic” the assassinated journalist of Radio Shabelle Director disheartened about the news of two men held for his killing case that the central prison of Mogadishu released last Thursday on 7th June after taking bribe without bringing before the justice.

Hassan Fantastic was killed on 28th January this year at the front door his home at Nasteho village in Wadajir district in the Somali capital Mogadishu by the men arrested for his killing case on the second day by local forces loyal to the T.F.G and handed them to the T.F.G security forces who had them in the CID and then transferred to the central prison in Mogadishu city.

The family of the journalist was very much optimistic that the Somali government would investigate the case fairly and would bring the killers before the just, but what happened in the central custody for releasing prisoners by no passing judiciary system and regulation comes unexpectedly.

One of the men who were involved in the killing case of the Radio-Shabelle Director is seen last Thursday at Nasteho village in Wadajir district after he was released at that day with an amount of only $200 dollars as quoted from his (killer’s) mother telling to her neighbors.

This man’s young brother once visited Hassan’s elder brother at very familiar Private school named Black Cobra informing him that his elder brother in the central prison for suspect only and his father who died later, was suffering a pain and added his father’s sickness is part of the arrest of his brother and added that officials of the central prison asked him to pay $200 dollars for his brother’s release and could not afford that.

Mohamed Osman, Hassan’s elder brother spoke to Belle, the detainee’s young bro. politely and frankly and said that he is helpless about that matter because of saying he did not arrest some one and he could not free the same as he was not the one who arrested him.

Speaking to Al-Jazeera T.V, the dead journalist’s elder brother, Mohamed Osman requested Somali government to investigate the case thoroughly and bring just to those behind the killing and when answering a question asked by Al-Jazeera of what important justice mean to him, he said that Islam enjoins that he who kills one should be killed and added that if the men held for the case should be released if they were not found guilty, but does not have a particular meaning to him.

Who behinds the killing case of Radio-Shabelle Director, Hassan Fantastic?

Hassan Fantastic himself left oral statement and recorded voice of Dr. Jamal Mohamed Ahmed who is deputy general national attorney of Somali government’s judiciary branch members before he was dead saying that Sayid Ali, manager of Mogadishu seaport and Dr. Jamal Mohamed Ahmed behind his killing if he is dead.

He told the oral statement to some of the family member and asked them to inform the story to his elder brother Mohamed Osman and the recorded voice is Dr. Jamal calling Hassan Fantastic to come to their station by a way not consistent with the law and a way that a court calls alleged man.

The attorney General office ordered the director of Radio-Shabelle, Hassan Fantastic to arrive at that office on Saturday morning 31st December in 2011 last year in order he might be asked some matters concerning Radion-Shabelle that is in the attorney general’s office and to keep the time as copy of that document in hand shows but Hassan did not go to office but Hassan called Dr. Jamal through a Telephone line several nights and days why he is not conforming to the call and Hassan was telling that they have a copy and original document about the story Shabelle made from the seaport.

Dr. Jamal Mohamed and Sayid Ali, Mogadishu seaport’s manager created confused stress to Hassan Fantastic that led him to get sick and take blood test from a unique disease, malaria from over 10 clinics in Mogadishu city about the situation faced him from Mogadishu seaport officials who were threatening him to be killed.

We the family of Hassan Fantastic do strongly believe that officials of Mogadishu seaport were behind the killing of the Radio-Shabelle director, Hassan Fantastic and if the Somali government corrupted the case, we wait for when Somali government judiciary system becomes more reliable that based on justice than this time, but we will never seek something illegally.

We know that Hassan Fantastic lost his life for the sake of Radio-Shabelle and a little story covered from the seaport by Shabelle and Shabelle is helpless about Hassan’s family and children and it was better to support Hassan’s family financially since he was not killed for other purpose but only the brand of Shabelle Radio.

We are also very concerned about the Somali journalists who were either killed or wounded in the Somali capital Mogadishu and as whole rest of the country and hope others working in such risk situation for safekeeping where ever they are in.

We call and inform this story to the UN, AU, Arab league, Amnesty international, human right agencies and all agencies protecting and helping journalists to take a lion’s share about this desperate condition.

About Hassan

Hassan Fantastic worked for Radio capital voice as freelancer and chief editor of Kal-gacal press, weekly journal for social affairs before finally joining Shabelle station 10th October 2008, he was web editor of English version of Shabelle website, producer, and presenter, deputy director and then director of Shabelle radio and T.V and he also worked for Diirad, Mareeg and Allvoices sites local and international and stopped working all others when he become the director of Shabelle and devoted to it and he extremely loved Shabelle.

Hassan was very communicative, comedian, social, very professional and educated one who left Somali journalists group and whole Somali people in general and he was born in Jilib district middle Jubba region in 1982 ,380 KM south Mogadishu and he also left from educated people as he was a teacher for a long time before this journalism skill.

His wife’s condition

Habibo Adam Ahmed is a widow and was Hassan’s wife having three children: two daughters and a son and she got financial supports from only two foreign journalists from England and Germany who were Hassan’s closest foreign friends but there is no third part as Mohamed Osman who is responsible for the family is confirming.

Miss Habibo would have liked to be deported to abroad if it is possible since she was dismayed the life in Mogadishu after losing her husband and this is what she always thinks of while Fadumo Barako Adam is the most concerned one about the killing of Hassan Fantastic and the way government released criminals with out accountability and she some nights lose asleep and is sick now and Mohamed Osman, her elder son tries to make her calm and forget that event saying mom, be patient, everything would be seen except Allah’s face.

His elder brother

“Let alone forget Hassan as whole I cannot forget his handwriting that was very beautiful and I used prefer computer to his handwriting”, Mohamed Osman said.


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