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UN Political Office for Somalia launches social media platforms
Sabahi Online
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS) has launched three new platforms for online engagement ahead of the country's scheduled transition to permanent government on August 20th.

"During the remaining days before August 20th -- and for the weeks that will follow -- communication with and between our key audiences will be increasingly critical," UN Special Representative to Somalia Augustine Mahiga said in a statement released Monday (July 9th). "To this end, UNPOS will be reaching out broadly, through new media platforms to help get the word out and to provide a forum for us to hear from you."

UNPOS is now active on social networking site Twitter and photo-sharing site Flickr, and will maintain a blog on Tumblr.

Mahiga said the new platforms will enable UNPOS to exhibit progress on the ground and continue the dialogue with stakeholders.

"Somalia deserves peace, prosperity and development," he said. "It is time for [internally displaced persons] and refugees to return home to build their lives in a new Somalia. It is time for Somalia to be whole again."


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