Today from Hiiraan Online:  _
Somalia’s former prime minister returns to Mogadishu

Ahmed Abdisamad
Hiiraan Online

Thursday, August 09, 2012 (HOL) - Former prime minister and a presidential aspirant Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo was received by hundreds of his supporters in the Aden Ade Airport in the capital, Mogadishu.

According to our reporter in Mogadishu, two protesters were killed after government soldiers opened fire to disperse hundreds of Farmajo supporters.

In a brief statement, the former prime minister condemned the attack and called his supporters to stay calm.

“We condemn this act, the people of Somalia have the right to express their views freely, we call all the presidential candidates to uphold peaceful rallies in the country” he said.

Adressing his supporters Farmajo said he was very optimistic to be Somalia’s next president.

“I have the support of my people and the acceptance of the international community” he said.

Mohamed Abdullahi resigned from his position as Prime Minister of Somalia, On June 19, 2011, after the controversial Kampala agreement.

His arrival came days before the presidential elections in Mogadishu.

Farmajo is believed to be the most popular politician in Somalia.

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