Today from Hiiraan Online:  _
Stop Deportation of Ali Abadir to Somalia


Friday, September 25, 2009


Ottawa, Canada - In the upcoming days, Canada will deport Abadir Ali originally from Somalia. This has been a surprise and an increasingly worrying prospect for the Somali community in the Ottawa area. The fact is that the humanitarian situation in Somali has seriously deteriorated in the last few months due to the intensified fighting in many regions of the country and the worsening drought on the countryside. The violence that has some 1.5 million from their homes has triggered one of the world's worst aid emergencies, with the number of people needing help leaping 17.5 percent in a year to 3.76 million or half the population.


It is important to note that Abadir Ali left Somali at the age of 8. He has not returned to the country since. He no longer has a grasp on his native tongue nor does understand the culture. Missing those essential social foundations, how is he expected for him to survive in such an already unstable and hostile environment? As a person who has not been in Somalia since he was a child, and as someone with no known family members in the country.  Mr. Ali Abadir upon their return to Somalia after a long stay in Canada, he will be considered as outsider and he will persecuted and tortured for the simple fact that which may have changed some of his Somali habits and affected his ability to speak Somali without an unfamiliar pronunciation.


Mention must also be made that Mr. Ali has convictions for two serious acts of violence. However, these acts, committed five years apart, were committed while under the influence of drugs and alcohol. With the appropriate counseling and treatment, the level of threat he poses to Canadian society can be substantially reduced, particularly given his abhorrence for the crimes that he has committed.


Returning Mr. Ali to fend for himself in the midst of the current rise of chaos in that country, without any support network, and without knowledge of the basic survival skills that Somalis living in the country would have developed within Somalia, will not simply expose him to hardship. Returning Mr. Ali to the anarchy, famine and reigning impunity of Somali militias would undoubtedly expose him to a risk to his life, and a great risk of cruel and unusual treatment or punishment.


In weighing the protection of Canadian society against the protection of Mr. Ali from death or cruel or unusual punishment, the balance must tip in favor of Mr. Ali.


We need your support.
Call/Fax/Email the Minister of Immigration
Monday September 21st:

Demand that Abadir Ali be allowed to remain in Canada until the deepening crisis in Somalia subsides.

Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration
In Ottawa: (613)954-1064 (p) (613)957-2688 (f)
In Toronto: (416)781-5583 (p) (416)781-5586 (f)

[email protected]


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