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A Woman of Distinction

Dr Madina Wasuge

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

By Mohamoud Abdi

Madina Wasuge

Madina Wasuge, Executive Director, Hamilton Center for Civic Inclusion

On 25 May 2007, Dr Madina Wasuge of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, was honored with a Women of Distinction award for the significant contribution she made in community relationship in Hamilton.


In an editorial entitled Their Success is our Victory, The Hamilton Spectator wrote that the Hamilton Women of Distinction “reminds us that a community doesn’t grow or improve by some happy accident. It takes perseverance by individuals who care enough to make a difference. These awards take the measure of real people whose work -- often done in obscurity, without fanfare -- strengthens our world.” Madina was one of those individuals who made a difference and whose work did strengthen the communities in Hamilton. She also made a difference for the hundreds of the Somali refugees who settled in this city.


Dr Wasuge is the Executive Director of Hamilton Center for Civic Inclusion (HCCI), a grass-roots community-based initiative committed to working as a catalyst for anti-racist change across Hamilton. The Center addresses everyday racism of joblessness, poverty and the lack of access and equity

within institutionalized health, education and other services by building partnerships and working with these institutions.


Racism is not acceptable, violence is not acceptable”, said Madina when she took the charge of the Center for Civic Inclusion and embarked on her journey to fight racism, bigotry and poverty.


Before becoming the Executive Director of HCCI, Madina was Director of Operations with the Settlement and Integration Services Organization, an organisation that worked with newcomers to Hamilton to make their settlement and integration into the society easy. She worked with the vulnerable and disadvantaged in the community to heal their painful past and raise their hope for the future.


Madina is a qualified medical doctor. She gained her Medical and Surgical Degree from the Somali National University, Mogadishu, Somalia, and a Master of Science Degree in Anesthesiology from Harvard Medical School. She practised medicine in hospitals in Mogadishu and Hargeisa, the latter during the conflict in the late 1980s.


Madina has more than 14 years of operational and administrative management experience in the context of settlement agencies. She has also developed and tested conflict transformation models. In addition she has extensive experience in the area of design and delivery of training on equity and human rights, integration and cross-cultural communication to a broad range of service providers including the Hamilton Police Services.

Madina also has more than 15 years of volunteering and community activism experience with a range of organizations and committees such as Strengthening Hamilton’s Community Initiative Working Group, Community Coalition against Racial Discrimination, Homelessness Steering Committee, Black Leaders Coalition and Refugee Women’s Mental Health in Canada. Madina is also a Clinical Lecturer, Health Sciences with Women’s Health in Women’s Hands, Settlement Counsellor with McMaster University


Madina is the recipient of a number of awards such as the City of Hamilton VIP Award , The Amino Malko Award, Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture, the John Holland Community Service Award and the Remarkable Women’s Award.

Madina also campaigns relentlessly for equity and fairness for the immigrant professionals. In December 2006, she testified in the Ontario Legislative Council during the discussion of a piece of legislation that was recently passed and that would bring down the barrier professional newcomers face in pursuit of their professions.


“The Fair Access to Regulated Professions Act represents one of the boldest attempts by a provincial government to address inequities that confront newcomers," said Madina.


Madina is a woman all the Somali people can be proud of. She is a positive role model for every person, Somali or otherwise, who is aspiring to achieve despite adversities. Every Somali would rejoice in her achievement.


Congratulations and Well Done.

Mohamud Abdi
E-mail: [email protected]


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