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Somali Diaspora Meeting in Stockholm

Press Release
3 – 4 February 2007


A meeting of Somali Diaspora was held in Stockholm, Sweden to discuss on the current issues of Somalia. Participants from UK, Sweden, Norway, Italy, USA and Canada agreed the following points after long discussions on Somalia,

The participants:

  1. Expressed Strong disappointment towards the international communities’ silence and inaction with respect to the Ethiopian blatant breach of Article 2(4) of United Nation’s Charter and the Security Council Resolutions 733(1992) and 1725 (2006).
  2. Stress that the Somali people have an inherent right to resist the occupation. Therefore, we salute and support Somali resistance forces.  
  3. Endorse the international community’s firmness on all inclusive reconciliation effort. Furthermore, we also recognize that the TFG is devoid of any legitimacy, politically not independent and has no competence to organize such a conference.
  4. Abhor that some individuals in the TFG are in contravention of the TFG Charter and are responsible of bringing the country under Ethiopian occupation. Therefore, they will be held responsible for all the destruction and atrocities emanating from this unlawful act committed by occupied Ethiopian forces and other collaborators.
  5. Strongly condemn Ethiopian illegal invasion and occupation of Somalia - a sovereign United Nation member state. Therefore, we demand an unconditional immediate withdrawal of Ethiopian troops from Somalia and we urge international human rights organizations to investigate the atrocities that Ethiopian troops are committing in Somalia, such as the killing and kidnapping of civilians.
  6. We call all Somali groups to unite against occupation force and defend their own country.
  7. We warn the dangers and the negative consequences if international peace keeping forces are deployed without the prior agreement between different groups in Somalia.
  8. We support the EU,UN position calling to all inclusive Somali national dialog and reconciliation conference. However, that conference should be held on neutral ground.


The participants have elected a technical committee to prepare all inclusive Somali Diaspora conference that will be held in United Kingdom.


We thank Somali joint committee for organising this valuable meeting for Somali Diaspora in Stockholm. We also thank all participants who contributed the outcome to this conference.



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