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7/6/2011 7:28 AM EST
Adeer jir-jirrole ma ihi , lkn ma fahimn erayga ah "nacay nin uu yahay" Haddii aad ka waddo qoladayda ayaa i nacday imay nicin ayaan kaa idhi. Waxad iska dhigaysaa waddani lkn waxaan dhowr xaraf kugu tusi karaa inaanad adiga iyo kuwa sidaada oo kale u fekeraa toonaa ahayn waddani (true patriots)
Waxaan aan kuu muuninayaa in people of Somaliland yihiin true patriots arrimahan soo socda , markaa bal adigu miisaanka saar sida adiga iyo kuwa kula midka ahi u dhaqmaan.
Former Italian colony
- Kala dambayn iyo sharci kama jiro.
- Waxaa la dhoofiyaa dhirta-nool oo dhuxul laga dhigay
- Waxaa la dhoofiyaa xoolaha dhaddig iyo dadka nool
- Waxaa la bur-buriyay waddooyinkii iyo dhamman dhismayaashii dad-weynaha
- Waxaa la keenay oo la adeegsaday ajenebi, wadaad iyo wabiinba
- waxaa weli hubaysan oo dagaallamaya qabaa'lladii
- Waxaa la haystaa oo lagu jiraa hantidii dadka gaarka ahi lahaayeen.
- Waxa hubaysan dhammaan qabaa'illada.
- Wax shir ah ama isu-tanaazul ah lama yaqaanba.
- Waxaa ka jira Sharci iyo kala dambayn.
- Lama dhoofiyo xoolaha nool ee dhaddigga ah, lamana gubo dhirta si loo dhoofiyo
- Waddooyinkii waa la dhisay iyo weliba kuwo dheeraad ah.
- Ma jiro ciidan ajinebi ah oo la adeegsado.
- Ma jiraan qabaa'illo hubaysan.
- Ma jiro dhiig qul-qulaya.
- Ma jiraan dad hantidooda la haysto.
- Waxaa ka shaqeeya wada hadal iyo isu-tanaazul.
Markaa bal xaggeebaad ka soo gelaysaa waddaniyadda marka waddankiiba aad ku xaartay ee dadkii qixisay, guryihii iyo waddooyinkii aad bur-burisay. Adeer waxaad ogaataa waddanigu waa ka dadkiisa u tudha, bad-baadiya ee dadnta guudi ku weyntahay marka loo eegi tantiisa gaarka ah. Somaliland elite-keedu waa sidaa. Dhegayso Waraysigii laga qaaday Coloner Ibrahim Dhegaweyne iyo Colonel Ahmed Mire oo ahaa labadii sarkaal ee u sarreeyey ciidan kii SNM ee ka hortegey dulmigii adeerkaa afwyne. Yusuf-graad: " Maxaad faa'iiddeen mar haddii wixii aad u soo dagaallanteen aad illaa 1991kii bilaa camal ka tihiin? Ibrahim Dh/Ahmed Mire : "Adeer waxaa igu filan in dadkaygu ay helaan caddaalad, ammaan, xorriyad, sinnaan iyo democracy." Yousuf-graad wuxuu ka duulayay southern oriented policy oo ah "no compromise" . Dhegayso program-kii taxanaha ahaa ee voa-da ee ku aaddanaa 18 May , qaybtiisa 1aad, sida habsamida leh ee nabadaynta beelaha walaalaha ah ee adeerkaa iska hor-keenay looga shaqaynayay.
Tan goosashada adeer dee yaaba wax kaa weydiinaya, ama diid ama dillaac. Hawl kuu taalba maaha waayo dadka ay khusayso ayaa sidaa raba.
7/4/2011 8:30 PM EST
Your stupidity gave you to think what happened to you "personally"
I am thinking about country MORON. DO you understand what
patriotism mean? Obviously no, your patriotism is you clan
god and that is all you value.
7/4/2011 8:28 PM EST
He was the last official president I mean there. Of course we
had 2 presidents before him and none after him!
7/4/2011 8:26 PM EST
Biyo kulule
Horta ama waxaad tahay anshax xume edebtu ka guurtay ama
waxaad tahay jir jiroole nacay nin uu yahay. Maxaad u sheeganaysaa
meel aanad ka iman magaceeda? Haddii aadan halkaa ka imanna
magacaa anshax xumidiisa adigaa soo qaatay. Edeb daro iyo
kalsooni xumo mid dooro!
Adigu qareen uma tihid. Waa run oo waa web Soomaali isugu
timaado including the delusionals like you. Try to make
some sense with your tribal portals.
I don't care Isak or otherwise who ever who is enemy of my
state is my enemy and most of you seems to pal around with
Ethiopia and are planning for the disintegration of my
state. Repent and come back to the fold and then we are
all good.
As for Siyad AHUN so far, he was the ONLY official president
Somalia had with dignity. I know it hurts you to hear that
but that is the fact. All your uncles are nothing but less than
his shadow compared to him and I have no blood relation with him.
I see your stupidity, you only reason with clan. I don't
give Sh*t what you say, you are midget with no sense of
understanding what is going on in the world. Don't come
to me with your cheap propaganda pr given to you by CHat
chewing moron.
7/4/2011 1:26 PM EST
U r the worst coward, narrow-minded and the most useless commentator in the form as far.
People have never seen u posting justified points. U always mix up thinks with lamenting that HO blocked your contribution to the forum and thus can not share with us your opinions, what kind of idea and opinion u can expose. your brain has stopped working as the same day u lost your feeder, Afweyne.
HO is the most neautral and without daubt the best somali-speakin/writtníng website. This artcle has nothing to do with Isaaqs and/or Somaliland, rather is about Great Somalia.
To disolve somalia into Somalia and Somaliland is not as big crime as we teared The Holly-qur'an appart. They both can live together side by side having together common intrest like gulf-countries
My question to u is " why are u envy, agitated and angry with Isaaqs? What have they done to you personally?
is it that they spite on u when u hanged around your stinking, because stinking carrot is not funny.
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