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7/20/2010 11:19 AM EST
In every race there is the Superior and the inferiors, the inferiors are the ones that always follow. You lot are going all of sudden "land" crazy, I thought that meant something nasty in your Bantu language.
I refuse to use nasty words on inferiors Somalis from Somalia (the failed inferior state).
Once we have Muduloodland, Banadirland, then Hargeisa and Addis will try Hiiraanland vs Galmudug, Muduloodland vs Galmudug, we are very familiar with the issues over there. Thats why the two clans didnt endorse this idea.
7/20/2010 9:45 AM EST
Holac. You really need to hung your self. This is what happen when Shankaroon
ppl eat too many khat and ethiopian Calaq thinking its a Irish Whiskey. What is this
superiority complex ur suffering from? You keep talking about this all the time
since the first day u come to HOL. Get a f000ckin life you lowlife @sshold
7/20/2010 9:10 AM EST
I salute all you good people who advocate for peace and stability.
Indeed there should be a moral principal that says, let us give our young people in Hiiraan and in other regions in Somalia the oportunity to put down those guns and be part of the solution and let us make sure that they get the support they need and deserve.
I am afraid you are in the wrong corner of the crowd and it is about time you quit this negative attitude towards your fellow countrymen who still love you.
And what is this nonsense of superiority you always boast about?
Perhaps you need to learn that superiority complex can only be dealt with the honesty of humility, correct?
7/19/2010 8:17 PM EST
Well done Hawaadle!
Resolve conflict and achieve peace and harmony through interactive dialogue with other native clans -- that is the way to go! I'm also glad that we are slowly but surely realizing that war and violence is not the answer to our problems anymore.
You really need to get a life!
7/19/2010 7:51 PM EST
Yes kids, calm down no need to get all emotional. I understand you inferior Somalis are upset that once again your following the superior Landers.
We welcome the new Hiiraanland and look forward to the establishment of Muduloodland and Banadirland. So far Habar gidir has their own land (Galmudug) and Somaliland is happy to strengthen them and provide weapons for them and the Alhus Sunnah.
We understand Hiiraan is mainly settled by Hawadle who are confused and don't know if they are Hawiye, Oromo or Bantu but we dont care. As long as Somalia has mini-states, Hargeisa and Addis got it where they wanted them.
Welcome with open arms mini-states.
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