7/22/2024 today from hiiraan online :  _


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    Qaloocoow @ 5/4/2010 10:29 AM EST
 It is not a big deal. Let this lady enjoy her life because judgment is for judgment day. Let’s leave Allah to rule his creators. Marrying a married man is not a crime and she is not first person and will not be the last. Ayan is a atheist and she doesn’t believe that Ilaahey inuu jiro maxaad ka fileysaan. I am not saying what she is doing is good but let’s pray for her to guide her the right path. peace
    paper21 @ 5/4/2010 4:11 AM EST
 check this line out he sits on the board of right wing think-tank group
that lines said all for us unless u don't know what right think tank group does
i have to see they would make right for one another after their fav subjcet to  talk would be islam
    fiqicigaal @ 5/2/2010 2:42 PM EST
 Ayaan is a lost soul and I don't intend to waste a fraction of a second on her lengthy miserable life.

But why did this successful TV historian cheat on his wife with a miserable godless loose women who is under police protection 24/7?

Was it too much opportunity,  was it due to problems in his relationship with his wife, was it due to a need of exitement?

Of course  he is a cheater and every time he was caught red handed, he made promises and vows to never cheat again. Unfortunately to a persistant cheater such promises often ring hollow.

For Niall the desire to cheat is perhaps complicated and it is not solved by feeling sorry or by making promises to change.

He needed counselling to deal with his cheating habit which can progress into addiction.  
    ozman @ 5/2/2010 10:38 AM EST
 Who cares.
    AhmedKismayo @ 5/2/2010 9:31 AM EST
 What a pity! She is enormously in love with Niall. LOL.
And She is forty years old, left her religion and pple
because of these western men. Let's see where she ends up.
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